- Class Bitmap
- check if we need to delete the GtkBitmap
- Member Clipboard.gtk_clipboard_request_contents (gtkC(), GdkAtom target, GtkClipboardReceivedFunc callback, gpointer user_data)
- move this to a clipboard listener
- Member Clipboard.gtk_clipboard_request_text (gtkC(), GtkClipboardTextReceivedFunc callback, gpointer user_data)
- move this to a clipboard listener
- Member Clipboard.gtk_clipboard_set_with_owner (gtkC(), GtkTargetEntry *targets, guint n_targets, GtkClipboardGetFunc get_func, GtkClipboardClearFunc clear_func, GObject *owner)
- move this to a ClipboardListener
- Member Clipboard.setWithData (GtkTargetEntry *targets, guint n_targets, GtkClipboardGetFunc get_func, GtkClipboardClearFunc clear_func, gpointer user_data)
- move this to a ClipboardListener
- Class ColorSelection
- a lot todo
- Member Dispatcher.addTreeViewListener (TreeViewListener listener, TreeView treeView)
- Adds a entry listener
- Member DUI.this (char[][] args)
- actually parse the parameters
- Class Font
- check if we need to free the PangoFontDescription on the dtor
- Member Font.pango_font_description_better_match (const PangoFontDescription *desc, const PangoFontDescription *old_match, const PangoFontDescription *new_match)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_copy (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_copy_static (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_equal (const PangoFontDescription *desc1, const PangoFontDescription *desc2)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_get_family (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_get_set_fields (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_get_size (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_get_stretch (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_get_style (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_get_variant (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_get_weight (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_hash (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_merge (PangoFontDescription *desc, const PangoFontDescription *desc_to_merge, gboolean replace_existing)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_merge_static (PangoFontDescription *desc, const PangoFontDescription *desc_to_merge, gboolean replace_existing)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_set_family (PangoFontDescription *desc, const char *family)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_set_family_static (PangoFontDescription *desc, const char *family)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_set_size (PangoFontDescription *desc, gint size)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_set_stretch (PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoStretch stretch)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_set_style (PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoStyle style)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_set_variant (PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoVariant variant)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_set_weight (PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoWeight weight)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_to_filename (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_to_string (const PangoFontDescription *desc)
- Member Font.pango_font_description_unset_fields (PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoFontMask to_unset)
- Member Font.pango_font_descriptions_free (PangoFontDescription **descs, int n_descs)
- Class List
- is this deprecated or still used on the combo?
- Class ObjectG
- consider setting the ObjectG on the GObject data so that the ObjectG will have the same live span as the GObject (reusable from the Dispatcher for instance)
- Class PopupBox
- - popup String input dialog
- Member TextIter.backwardFindChar (GtkTextCharPredicate pred, gpointer userData, TextIter limit)
- todo
- Member TextIter.forwardFindChar (GtkTextCharPredicate pred, gpointer userData, TextIter limit)
- todo
- Class TextTag
- a smart way to set and get properties
- Member Tree.selectionMode (GtkSelectionMode mode)
- where are the selection modes?
- Class TreePath
- seems we have to release the struct memory
- Class TreeRowReference
- seems we have to release the struct memory
- Member TreeStore.gtk_tree_store_new (gint n_columns,...)
- Member TreeStore.gtk_tree_store_set_column_types (GtkTreeStore *tree_store, gint n_columns, GType *types)
- Member TreeStore.gtk_tree_store_set_valist (GtkTreeStore *tree_store, GtkTreeIter *iter, vaList var_args)
- Member TreeView.getColumns ()
- return an array of TreeViewColumn instead of a list Gets s ListG with all the columns
- Member TreeView.gtk_tree_view_get_search_equal_func (gtkT())
- move this to a listener ???
- Member TreeView.gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GtkTreeView *tree_view, gint position, gchar *title, GtkCellRenderer *cell,...)
- Member TreeView.gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data_func (gtkT(), gint position, gchar *title, GtkCellRenderer *cell, GtkTreeCellDataFunc func, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify dnotify)
- Member TreeView.gtk_tree_view_set_column_drag_function (gtkT(), GtkTreeViewColumnDropFunc func, gpointer user_data, GtkDestroyNotify destroy)
- add this to a listener
- Member TreeView.gtk_tree_view_set_search_equal_func (gtkT(), GtkTreeViewSearchEqualFunc search_equal_func, gpointer search_user_data, GtkDestroyNotify search_destroy)
- move this to a listener ???
- Member TreeView.mapExpandedRows (TreeViewMappingFunc func, gpointer data)