Entry Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Entry:

Widget SpinButton List of all members.

Detailed Description

A single line text entry widget.

Public Member Functions

 this ()
 Creates a new entry.
 this (char[] text)
 Creates a new entry and set it's text.
 this (void delegate() dlg)
 Creates a new entry and set it's text to empty and add a listener delegate.
 this (char[] text, void delegate() dlg)
 Creates a new Entry with a initial text and and OnActivate listener.
void setText (char[] text)
 Setst the text.
String getText ()
 Gets the text from the entry widget.
void setVisibility (bit visible)
 Sets the visibility mode.
bit getVisibility ()
 Gets the visiblility mode.
void setInvisibleChar (gunichar ch)
 Sets the char to display when in invisible mode - password like mode.
gunichar getInvisibleChar ()
 Gets the char displayed when in invisible mode - password like mode.
void setHasFrame (bit setting)
 Sets has frame.
bit getHasFrame ()
 Gets has frame.
void setMaxLength (gint max)
 Sets the maximum length text is truncated if needed.
gint getMaxLength ()
 Gets the maximum length.
void setActivitiesDefault (gboolean setting)
 Sets the activities default.
bit getActivities ()
 Gets the activities default.
void setWidthChars (gint n_chars)
 Sets the chars widget.
gint getWidthChars ()
 Gets the chars widget.
PangoLayout * getLayout ()
 gets the pango layout
void getLayoutOffstes (gint *x, gint *y)
 Gets the layout offsets.
void insertText (char[] text, gint length, gint *position)
 Insert text.
void deleteText (gint startPos, gint endPos)
 Deletes text.
String getChars (gint startPos, gint endPos)
 Gets a substring.
void cutClipboard ()
 Copies the text content to the clipboard and remove it from the widget (selected only???).
void copyClipboard ()
 Copies the text content into the clip board (selected only???).
void pasteClipboard ()
 Pastes the clipborad contents into the widget.
void deleteSelection ()
 Deletes the selected text.
void setPosition (int position)
 sets the cursor position ???
gint getPosition ()
 get position
void setEditable (bit isEditable)
 Sets the editable state.
bit getEditable ()
 gets the editable state

Member Function Documentation

void Entry.copyClipboard  ) 

Copies the text content into the clip board (selected only???).

void Entry.cutClipboard  ) 

Copies the text content to the clipboard and remove it from the widget (selected only???).

void Entry.deleteSelection  ) 

Deletes the selected text.

void Entry.deleteText gint  startPos,
gint  endPos

Deletes text.


bit Entry.getActivities  ) 

Gets the activities default.

the activities default

String Entry.getChars gint  startPos,
gint  endPos

Gets a substring.


bit Entry.getEditable  ) 

gets the editable state

true if entry is editable

bit Entry.getHasFrame  ) 

Gets has frame.

true if the widget has a frame ???

gunichar Entry.getInvisibleChar  ) 

Gets the char displayed when in invisible mode - password like mode.

the char to displayed when in invisible mode

PangoLayout* Entry.getLayout  ) 

gets the pango layout

the pango layout

void Entry.getLayoutOffstes gint *  x,
gint *  y

Gets the layout offsets.


gint Entry.getMaxLength  ) 

Gets the maximum length.

the maximum length

gint Entry.getPosition  ) 

get position

the position of the cursor ???

String Entry.getText  ) 

Gets the text from the entry widget.

the text

bit Entry.getVisibility  ) 

Gets the visiblility mode.

true if in password like mode

gint Entry.getWidthChars  ) 

Gets the chars widget.

the chars widget

void Entry.insertText char[]  text,
gint  length,
gint *  position

Insert text.

text the text to insert
length the number of chars to insert
position the position on the existing to where to insert the new text

void Entry.pasteClipboard  ) 

Pastes the clipborad contents into the widget.

void Entry.setActivitiesDefault gboolean  setting  ) 

Sets the activities default.

setting the new activities defaul

void Entry.setEditable bit  isEditable  ) 

Sets the editable state.

isEditable the new editable state - use false to prevent the user to change the text content

void Entry.setHasFrame bit  setting  ) 

Sets has frame.

setting the new has frame setting

void Entry.setInvisibleChar gunichar  ch  ) 

Sets the char to display when in invisible mode - password like mode.

ch the char to display when in invisible mode

void Entry.setMaxLength gint  max  ) 

Sets the maximum length text is truncated if needed.

max the maximum length

void Entry.setPosition int  position  ) 

sets the cursor position ???

position the cursor position

void Entry.setText char[]  text  ) 

Setst the text.

text the text

void Entry.setVisibility bit  visible  ) 

Sets the visibility mode.

visible the new visibility mode

void Entry.setWidthChars gint  n_chars  ) 

Sets the chars widget.

n_chars the number of chars

Entry.this char[]  text,
void delegate()  dlg

Creates a new Entry with a initial text and and OnActivate listener.

text the initial text
dlg the listener delegate

Entry.this void delegate()  dlg  ) 

Creates a new entry and set it's text to empty and add a listener delegate.

dlg the listener delegate

Entry.this char[]  text  ) 

Creates a new entry and set it's text.

text the initial text

Entry.this  ) 

Creates a new entry.

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