
Class List Class Hierarchy
Summary: Ctors Methods Mixins

Module ddi.Value

Class Value

Implemented interfaces:

public class


The Value is basically a variable container that consists of a type identifier and a specific value of that type.
The type identifier within a GValue structure always determines the type of the associated value. To create a undefined GValue structure, simply create a zero-filled GValue structure. To initialize the GValue, use the g_value_init() function. A GValue cannot be used until it is initialized. The basic type operations (such as freeing and copying) are determined by the GTypeValueTable associated with the type ID stored in the GValue. Other GValue operations (such as converting values between types) are provided by this interface.

Constructor Summary
(GValue* gValue)
          Creates a new Value
(char value)
          Creates a new Value from a char
(bit value)
          Creates a new Value from a
(int value)
          Creates a new Value from an int
(uint value)
          Creates a new Value from an uint
(long value)
          Creates a new Value from a long
(ulong value)
          Creates a new Value from a ulong
(double value)
          Creates a new Value from a long
(String value)
          Creates a new Value from a char[] (string)
(void* value)
          Creates a new Value from a pointer

Methods Summary
~this ()
          Creates a new Value from a GValue
public void dump()
GValue* getV()
          Creates a new Value from a
String getString()
int getInt()
long getLong()
String contents()

~this ()
Creates a new Value from a GValue

ctor(Value)(GValue* gValue)


public void dump()

Creates a new Value

ctor(Value)(char value)
Creates a new Value from a char

value -

ctor(Value)(bit value)
Creates a new Value from a

value - Creates a new Value from a bit
value -

ctor(Value)(int value)
Creates a new Value from an int

value -

ctor(Value)(uint value)
Creates a new Value from an uint

value -

ctor(Value)(long value)
Creates a new Value from a long

value -

ctor(Value)(ulong value)
Creates a new Value from a ulong

value -

ctor(Value)(double value)
Creates a new Value from a long

value - Creates a new Value from a
value - Creates a new Value from a
value - Creates a new Value from a
value - Creates a new Value from a float
value - Creates a new Value from a double
value -

ctor(Value)(String value)
Creates a new Value from a char[] (string)

value -

ctor(Value)(void* value)
Creates a new Value from a pointer

value -


GValue* getV()
Creates a new Value from a

value - Creates a new Value from a
value - Creates a new Value from a
value - gets the gtk structure


String getString()


int getInt()


long getLong()


String contents()