Class list for DUI
AQueue | Asyncronous Queues, can be used to communicate between threads |
AccelLabel | AccelLabel |
Adjustment | Adjustments are used by the scroll bars, scales, scrolled windows. |
AdjustmentListener | Statusbar events \todo add the addListeners to dispatcher |
Alignment | Alignment |
Arrow | A widget that displays an arrow. |
AspectFrame | A frame that keeps the x, y aspect ratio |
Bin | A base widget |
Bitmap | Functions for rendering pixbufs on drawables. |
Box | A container that lays it's children in a row |
Button | A Button |
ButtonBox | A box of buttons in a row |
ButtonClickedListener | Simple button clicked interface. |
Calendar | A calendar widget to show and selected dates. |
CalendarListener | Declares the methods for a window listener |
CellListener | Declares the methods for a cell listener |
CellRenderer | Cell renderer. |
CellRendererPixbuf | A pixbuf cell renderer |
CellRendererText | A text cell renderer |
CellRendererToggle | A Toggle Cell renderer |
CheckButton | A Check Button |
CheckMenuItem | Check menu item |
CheckMenuItemListener | CheckMenuItem events \todo add the addListeners to dispatcher |
Color | Color |
ColorSelection | |
ColorSelectionDialog | A standard color selection dialog |
ColorSelectionListener | Color selection events \todo add listeners in dispatcher |
Combo | A combo box. |
ComboBox | A combo box. |
ComboBoxText | A combo box. |
ComboBoxTextEntry | A text entry field with a dropdown list |
Container | Base class for widgets which contain other widgets. |
ContainerListener | Container events \todo these container events |
Cursor | Color |
DUI | Provides the main GTK cycle. |
DUIObject | The wrapper for GtkObject |
DUIObjectListener | DUIObject events \todo check if this is suppose to be the same as in WidgetListener \todo add the addListeners to dispatcher |
Dialog | Dialog is a window that can be modal and contains a default vbox. |
Display | Display \todo GdkDevice * gdk_display_get_core_pointer ((GdkDisplay*)obj()); \todo void gdk_display_get_pointer ((GdkDisplay*)obj(), GdkScreen * *screen, gint * x, gint * y, GdkModifierType * mask); \todo GdkWindow * gdk_display_get_window_at_pointer ((GdkDisplay*)obj(), gint * win_x, gint * win_y); \todo GdkDisplayPointerHooks * gdk_display_set_pointer_hooks ((GdkDisplay*)obj(), GdkDisplayPointerHooks * new_hooks); / \todo GdkDisplay * gdk_display_open_default_libgtk_only (); |
Drawable | Drawable |
DrawingArea | A empty widget used to draw poins, lines, shapes and pictures. |
Editable | The interface class for editable widgets. |
EditableChangedListener | Declares the methods for a editable changed listener |
Entry | A single line text entry widget |
EntryActivateListener | Listen to the enter key |
EntryAdapter | Provides default noop actions for all the entry callbacks |
EntryChangeListener | Listen to changes to an entry |
EntryInsertAdapter | Provides default noop action for the entry insert listener callbacks |
EntryInsertListener | Declares the methods for a entry listener |
EntryListener | Listen to all event of an entry |
ErrorG | GLib provides a standard method of reporting errors from a called function to the calling code. |
EventHandler | |
EventHandler0 | connects a signal to an GObject |
EventHandler1 | |
EventHandler11 | |
EventHandlerAfter | |
EventHandlerAfterR | /* This is a hack, DrawingArea seems to swap event and Data on the callback ??? |
EventHandlerR | |
FileChooserDialog | |
FileSelection | A standard file selector dialog |
Fixed | A container that lays out it children on a fixed postion |
FontSelection | A widget for selecting fonts. |
Frame | A Visual border |
GC | The Graphics context representation |
HBox | A Horizontal box to display it's children in a horizontal row |
HButtonBox | A container for a horizontal row of buttons |
HPaned | A widget with resizable left and rigth children |
HScale | A Horizontal scale |
HScrollbar | A horizontal scrollbar |
HSeparator | A horizontal separator |
HandleBox | A Box with a handle to be draged. |
HandleBoxListener | HandleBox events \todo add the addListeners to dispatcher |
IOChannel | The GIOChannel data type aims to provide a portable method for using file descriptors, pipes, and sockets, and integrating them into the main event loop. |
IdleListener | Idle events |
Image | A widget to load, contain and display an image. |
InputDialog | Input dialog. |
InputStringDialog | A window enter the line number to go to . |
ItemListener | Item events \todo add the addListeners to dispatcher |
Label | A widget to display a text Label |
Layout | A container to layout widgets on view larger then the visible area. |
List | This is a list of widget that can be displayed. |
ListG | A double linked list. |
ListItem | This is an item that can be part of a list. |
ListStore | The model to display a TreeView as a list The GtkListStore object is a list model for use with a GtkTreeView widget. |
MainWindow | A top Level window that will stop the main event cycle when it's closed. |
Menu | A menu |
MenuBar | Menu bar : a menu of menus in a bar |
MenuItem | A menu item |
MenuItemListener | MenuItem events |
MenuShell | Menu Shell is the menu container ??? /* void _gtk_menu_shell_select_last(gtkW(),gboolean search_sensitive); void _gtk_menu_shell_activate(gtkW()); gint _gtk_menu_shell_get_popup_delay(gtkW()); |
MenuShellListener | Menu shell events \todo add listeners in dispatcher |
MessageDialog | A dialog to display a message only. |
Misc | Base for many widgets to provide alignment and padding for all it's children |
Notebook | A container where the children share the same display space. |
OGTK | Any GTK Object |
ObjectG | Base class for DUIObject. |
OptionMenu | A menu item??? |
PopupBox | A factory for common message dialogs. |
Preview | Preview - deprecated \deprecated |
ProgressBar | A visual representation a the progress for a task Creates a progress bar from a GtkWidget |
RadioButton | A button with two states (plus a third one) that can be mutualy exclusive with other buttons of the same type. |
RadioMenuItem | A menu item with two states (plus a third one) that can be mutualy exclusive with other items of the same type. |
Range | Range |
SListG | A single linked list. |
Scale | A interactive visual representation of a value inside a range. |
Screen | The representation of the screen |
Scrollbar | A interactive visual representation of a value and size inside a range. |
ScrolledWindow | A container to display a widget larger then the available display space. |
SelectionListener | MenuItem events |
Separator | A base class for horizontal and vertical separatores |
SignalHandler | |
Spawn | |
SpawnException | |
SpinButton | A visual selector for sequencial numeric values within a range. |
StatusInterface | |
Statusbar | Status bar. |
StatusbarListener | Statusbar events \todo add the addListeners to dispatcher |
StringG | A GString is similar to a standard C string, except that it grows automatically as text is appended or inserted. |
Table | A container that will arrange it's children in a rectangular grid. |
TextBuffer | A text buffer to be display and altered in a text view |
TextChangedListener | |
TextDeleteHandler | |
TextInsertHandler | |
TextTag | A tag that can be applied to text in a TextBuffer \todo a smart way to set and get properties |
TextView | A container that knows how to display a TextBuffer. |
TimeoutListener | Idle events |
TimerG | TimerG records a start time, and counts microseconds elapsed since that time. |
ToggleButton | A Toggle Button |
ToggleButtonListener | HandleBox events \todo add the addListeners to dispatcher |
Toolbar | A container for a set of frequently used tools. |
ToolbarListener | Toolbar events \todo add listeners in dispatcher |
Tooltips | A text associated width a widget to display when the pointer stays on the widget for a period ot time. |
Tree | A container that display a tree. |
TreeItem | A item to display on a Tree Widget (not TreeView). |
TreeIter | A representation of a tree or list row. |
TreeIterError | A TreeIter error. |
TreeModel | A tree a list model \todo how to instanciate a concrete class from a GtkTreeModel? probably by checking the getType value |
TreeModelAdapter | |
TreeModelListener | Declares the methods for a tree model listener \todo add these to the dispatcher |
TreeNode | TreeNode interface |
TreeSelection | A representation of a tree selection |
TreeStore | A tree model that represents a tree structure. |
TreeViewColumn | The columns on the trees and tables. |
TreeViewListener | Declares the methods for a tree view listener \todo type in the remaining callback functions |
VBox | A container to display widgets vertically |
VButtonBox | A box to display buttons vertically |
VPaned | A container to display two children |
VScale | A vertical widget to show and allow to change a value inside a range |
VScrollbar | A vertical scrollbar |
VSeparator | A vertical separator |
Value | The Value is basically a variable container that consists of a type identifier and a specific value of that type. |
Viewport | A container for a widget large then the available display size. |
Widget | Widget introduces style properties - these are basically object properties that are stored not on the object, but in the style object associated to the widget. |
Window | A top Level window |
WindowConfigurationListener | Declares other window events \todo add addListener to Dispatcher |
WindowGroup | Window group |
WindowListener | Declares the methods for a window listener |