Module dui.Editable
Methods Summary | |
public void |
setData(String key, gpointer data) |
static ObjectG |
getObjectG(void* gtkwidget) |
void |
selectRegion(gint start, gint end) |
void |
insertText(String text, gint length, gint* position) Insert text |
void |
deleteText(gint startPos, gint endPos) Deletes text |
String |
getChars(gint startPos, gint endPos) Gets a substring |
void |
cutClipboard() Copies the text content to the clipboard and remove it from the widget (selected only???) |
void |
copyClipboard() Copies the text content into the clip board (selected only???) |
void |
pasteClipboard() Pastes the clipborad contents into the widget |
void |
deleteSelection() Deletes the selected text |
void |
setPosition(int position) sets the cursor position ??? |
gint |
getPosition() get position |
void |
setEditable(bit isEditable) Sets the editable state |
bit |
getEditable() gets the editable state |