Module dui.List
Constructor Summary | |
public |
(GtkWidget *gtkWidget) |
public |
() Creates a new List |
Methods Summary | |
public static GType |
getType() Gets this class type |
void |
insertItems(ListG items, gint position) Inserts items to this list at a specific position |
void |
appendItems(ListG items) Appends a list of item to the list |
void |
prependItems(ListG items) Preppends a list of item to the list |
void |
removeItems(ListG items) removes a list of item from the list |
void |
removeItemsNoUnref(ListG items) removes a list of item from the list but doesn't mark as unreferred |
void |
clearItems(gint start, gint end) Clears the item from the star to the end positions |
void |
selectItem(gint item) Select one item by position |
void |
unselectItem(gint item) Unselects one item by position |
void |
selectChild(Widget child) Select a child widget |
void |
unselectChild(Widget child) Unselect a child widget |
gint |
childPosition(Widget child) Gets the child position |
void |
setSelectionMode(SelectionMode mode) Sets the selection mode |
void |
extendedSelection(ScrollType scroll_type, gfloat position, gboolean auto_start_selection) Extended selection ??? |
void |
startSelection() Start selection. |
endSelection |
() End Selection. |
void |
selectAll() Select all. |
void |
unselectAll() |
void |
scrollHorizontal(ScrollType scroll_type, gfloat position) Scroll horizontal |
void |
scrollVertical(ScrollType scroll_type, gfloat position) Scroll Vertical |
void |
toggleAddMode() Toggle add mode |
void |
toggleFocusRow() toggle focus row. |
void |
toggleRow(Widget item) Toggle row |
void |
undoSelection() Undo selection |
void |
endDragSelection() End drag Selection |