Module dglib.StringG
Methods Summary | |
public GString* |
getG() |
StringG |
assign(String rval) Copies the characters from a string into a GString, destroying any previous contents. |
void |
printf(String format, ... ) Writes a formatted string into a GString. |
void |
appendPrintf(String format, ... ) Appends a formatted string onto the end of a GString. |
StringG |
append(String val) Adds a string onto the end of a GString, expanding it if necessary. |
StringG |
appendC(gchar c) Adds a character onto the end of a GString, expanding it if necessary. |
StringG |
appendUnichar(gunichar wc) Converts a Unicode character into UTF-8, and appends it to the string. |
StringG |
appendLen(String val, gssize len) Appends len bytes of val to string. |
StringG |
prepend(String val) Adds a string on to the start of a GString, expanding it if necessary. |
StringG |
prependC(gchar c) Adds a character onto the start of a GString, expanding it if necessary. |
StringG |
prependUnichar(gunichar wc) Converts a Unicode character into UTF-8, and prepends it to the string. |
StringG |
prependLen(String val, gssize len) Prepends len bytes of val to string. |
StringG |
insert(gssize pos, String val) Inserts a copy of a string into a GString, expanding it if necessary. |
StringG |
insertC(gssize pos, gchar c) Inserts a character into a GString, expanding it if necessary. |
StringG |
insertUnichar(gssize pos, gunichar wc) Converts a Unicode character into UTF-8, and insert it into the string at the given position. |
StringG |
insertLen(gssize pos, String val, gssize len) Inserts len bytes of val into string at pos. |
StringG |
erase(gssize pos, gssize len) Removes len characters from a GString, starting at position pos. |
StringG |
truncate(gsize len) Cuts off the end of the GString, leaving the first len characters. |
StringG |
setSize(gsize len) Sets the length of a GString. |
String |
free(bit free_segment) Frees the memory allocated for the GString. |
StringG |
up() Warning gStringUp is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. |
StringG |
down() Warning gStringDown is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. |
guint |
hash() Creates a hash code for str; for use with GHashTable. |
bit |
equal(StringG v2) Compares two strings for equality, returning TRUE if they are equal. |