Module dui.Entry
Methods Summary | |
protected alias |
EventHandler0!(Entry ) |
alias |
EventHandler0!(Entry ) |
alias |
EventHandler0!(Entry ) |
alias |
EventHandler0!(Entry ) |
public void |
addOnActivate(void delegate()) |
void |
addOnChanged(void delegate()) |
void |
addOnDeleteText(void delegate()) |
void |
addOnInsertText(void delegate()) |
void |
setData(String key, gpointer data) |
void |
setText(char text) Setst the text |
void |
setText(String text) |
String |
getText() Gets the text from the entry widget |
void |
setVisibility(bit visible) Sets the visibility mode |
bit |
getVisibility() Gets the visiblility mode |
void |
setInvisibleChar(gunichar ch) Sets the char to display when in invisible mode - password like mode |
gunichar |
getInvisibleChar() Gets the char displayed when in invisible mode - password like mode |
void |
setHasFrame(bit setting) Sets has frame |
bit |
getHasFrame() Gets has frame |
void |
setMaxLength(gint max) Sets the maximum length text is truncated if needed |
gint |
getMaxLength() Gets the maximum length |
void |
setActivitiesDefault(gboolean setting) Sets the activities default |
bit |
getActivities() Gets the activities default |
void |
setWidthChars(gint n_chars) Sets the chars widget |
gint |
getWidthChars() Gets the chars widget |
PangoLayout* |
getLayout() gets the pango layout |
void |
getLayoutOffstes(gint* x, gint* y) Gets the layout offsets |
public void |
selectRegion(gint start, gint end) |
void |
insertText(char text, gint length, gint* position) Insert text |
void |
insertText(String text, gint length, gint* position) |
void |
deleteText(gint startPos, gint endPos) Deletes text |
String |
getChars(gint startPos, gint endPos) Gets a substring |
void |
cutClipboard() Copies the text content to the clipboard and remove it from the widget (selected only???) |
void |
copyClipboard() Copies the text content into the clip board (selected only???) |
void |
pasteClipboard() Pastes the clipborad contents into the widget |
void |
deleteSelection() Deletes the selected text |
void |
setPosition(int position) sets the cursor position ??? |
gint |
getPosition() get position |
void |
setEditable(bit isEditable) Sets the editable state |
bit |
getEditable() gets the editable state |