Warning These code examples should not be used as D code examples as the author was an absolute D beginner at the time these were coded and left out many of the features of D.The author used only a subset of the features of D that he was familiar from other languages. see also the Differences from GTK page. see also the Listening to events page. See some images and the DUI code that generated them DUI aims to implement all the GTK+ widget and most (almost all) GTK+ functions.If you familiar GTK you will find it very easy to start creating GUI applications with DUI. If you are familiar with any type of GUI toolkit then working with DUI should also be very easy Here are some examples generated by DUI. Obviously these will look exactly like any GTK+ images When you change the look and feel of your GTK (from the gnome configuration panels for instance) the DUI look and feel will also change see the \ref scalesPage page for an example of an alternative look.